Surgery and cultivation

Dental implants

Implants are in the form of a screw that is implanted in the patient’s jaw as artificial roots of pure titanium metal, after which a dowel is installed on the screw to support the cavity (crown), and it is the perfect solution for missing teeth

Dental and jaw surgery

The surgery here is to extract the impacted teeth that are located inside the jaws. It also lies in the implantation of artificial bone to support the maxillary bone in the jaws..and also in the treatment of jaw fractures and the extraction of cysts and benign and malignant tumors

Gum surgeries

Cosmetic gum surgery represents any modification in whole or in part in the shape, level, or color of the gums to improve the appearance of a smile. Dental beautification is no longer limited to whitening teeth and adjusting their shape, but aims to find the greatest possible consistency between the three elements of a smile: teeth, The gums and lips, during which an analytical study of the patient’s face must be done before the operation, during which the distance to be adjusted and the new shape that the patient will get is determined, and the role of the cosmetic dentist here is to try to correct these defects as much as possible.

Contact information

+974 4431 2222

+974 4431 2222

 +974 55673970

+974 55673970

+974 44415107

+974 44415107

Al Montazah - Ibn Sina Street - Doha - Qatar

Al Montazah - Ibn Sina Street - Doha - Qatar

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