We have the latest panoramic x-rays, cephalometric
2D & 3D x-rays , and x-rays available

2D & 3D Radiology

Brushing your teeth with toothpaste and flossing is essential. Obtaining a regular dental x-ray is an integral part of examining your oral health in general. These rays are able to detect serious health problems that the doctor cannot monitor with a regular medical examination.

Cephalometric X-ray

Cephalometric X-ray This type is mostly used with orthodontic cases and is characterized by giving a side image of the entire jaw and face and indicating whether there is damage to the teeth or not.

Panoramic rays

Panoramic rays: For this type of x-ray, it is used to examine your entire teeth, or to investigate jaw problems and monitor any dental abnormalities, and it gives a complete picture of the shape of your teeth.